Thank you for your help #ConnectingTN

Posted: August 9, 2023

Connecting members requires lots of communication. But communication doesn’t amount to much without engagement, and that’s why we want to thank you for all your support of our efforts in #ConnectingTN!

We’re making strides with web traffic, social media and newsletter readership, and we’re noticing what captures our audience’s attention.

You’re staying informed via our newsletter about upcoming events and updates that matter to our industry. It regularly exceeds a 70% open rate, which is far above the standard cross-industry average of 21.33%, Mailchimp reports.

We’re also using our podcast, “Lead Tennessee Radio,” to share impactful narratives and issues. Listeners in 10 states helped to push our total download numbers to 2,332 in the second quarter.

Our social media posts are designed to catch members’ attention on the go, and numbers show our approach is working. We’re educating the public about online information management hacks, offering creative ideas on how to use broadband for family activities and keeping our audience updated on the ever-increasing expansion of broadband. Our social channels have all seen steady growth since the beginning of the year, with engagements for April and June for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn coming in at 1,381, 182 and 2,220, respectively.

Our efforts are coordinated to share our message across all channels. Take the convention in June, for example. Between social media and our website, engagement in June was particularly high. We look forward to continued momentum for important stories and events like the KYRBA/TNBA Fall Conference & Supplier Showcase set for Oct. 10-12.

We can’t do this without you!